Turn and face the strain.
Gonna’ have to be a different beer.
Time may change me, but I can’t trace time."
sorry but this IS Bowie Porter part 2.. couldn't help myself.
I also just got back from vacation and have no batteries in the camera so I've got to apologize for shitting the bed image wise.
So Bowie Porter was a bit of a disappointment, by no means a bad beer, yet no where near the brew i was targeting ( Fuller's Porter, Anchor Porter, BJCP brown porter etc.). my complaints with Bowie #1 was with how malty it was. The brew finished very dry yet had an over powering "brown malt" character reminiscent to the Mild ale I brewed with Sean a few months back,again it is by no means bad tasting yet not quite as drinkable as a proper English ale should be. I'm finding brown malt to be alot like biscuit/victory malt to my palate, flavors I enjoy but only at very restrained percentages.
Bowie #1 didn't have the right caramel character either, much too shy, I'm looking for a strong toffee note and darker flavors like plum and raisin that the Fuller's and Anchor example's highlight so well.
Any ways, the original recipe was so off that I changed quite a few things instead of following the common wisdom of only changing one thing at a time.
anyways, here's the changes.
Bowie Porter #1
1.049 OG
7 Gallons
26 IBU
76% Marris Otter
12% Brown Malt 70L
10% English Crystal 75L
2.1% English Chocolate 450L
Mashed at 152 for 60 minutes
43G Fuggles@ 4.75%AA 90 min
14G Fuggles@ 4.75%AA 15 min
Bowie #2
80% Maris Otter/Golden Promise
5% Brown Malt 70L
4% British C - 75L
8% British C - 120L
4% English chocolate 450L
Fuggles@ 4.5%AA
32G @ 90
14 G @ 15
wyeast 1028
6 hours ago
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